Wednesday 17 October 2018

5 Reasons Why Emails Still Rule

Now that so many other mediums of communication have entered the scenario, emails are often criticized for their drawbacks. However, our technicians at Gmail contact number UK believe it is still one of the mediums of written and digital communication. There are businesses that still rely on emails strongly for all their official correspondence.

So if email is the new version of snail mail for you, think twice. If it gets piled up and wasting too much of time, maybe you could find ways to use it more productively. The many conveniences of emails get abused and as a result, useless emails pile up in your inbox.

Then what are the advantages that make so many businesses still depend on emails as their main medium of communication. Let us take a look.

Gmail customer support UK says emails are great for follow ups

This is partly because, emails are effective as a documentation. While you may not be able to show text messages or voice calls as an audit trail that the communication took place, emails are perfect for such occasions. In situations where people disagree with what they had committed or instructed before, you can use their emails as a proof of what was previously decided or ordered.

Communication that can wait

Emails are also great for when you have some not so urgent communication to be carried out – something that does not require an instant response. Technicians at Google customer support phone number UK believe it is a great medium where people can get back to you when they have some time. They are organized and can come with reminders and a number of other useful features.

Emails are great for times when you have a good word to send across

While you may have heard of how inappropriate it is to send a negative feedback over an email, they are great for times when you want to praise, cheer, acknowledge or applaud a good piece of work. People love receiving motivational and/or positive messages in their inboxes.

Emails make it easier to timeshift

Gmail technical support UK
recommends emails for when your colleague, vendor or client works on another time zone or just follows another time schedule, emails make it easier to communicate for both parties on their own times. The organized approach helps maintain the timeliness of the entire thing.

You have the additional benefit of filtering

Even with filtering options on our phones now, voice calls and text messages are difficult to screen. You may block one number and a stubborn telemarketer may just try reaching out to you from another number. This is another place where emails excel.

Emails are also great for times when you need to reach out to a number of people at one go. Gmail support UK says it is great for times like when you have to send across an announcement to all the employees at work. We are here to help you out with any technical resolutions if you ever need.

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